- Arizona ballot measure would cap interest rates on “medical debt” and limit the ability of lenders to seize assets or garnish wages.
- Under a new California law, families must separate not just recyclables from trash, but food waste from recyclables — so they can be composted.
- Does coloscopy screening reduce colon cancer deaths? No. Explanation at Less Wrong
- Study: “we calculate that disparities in air pollution can account for 17-26 percent of the Black-White earnings gap, 5-27 percent of the Hispanic-White earnings gap, and 6-20 percent of the average neighborhood-earnings effect.”
- Can your building make you sick?
Author: John C. Goodman
Friday Links
- Tyler Cowen compares Classical Liberalism with the New Right.
- The nation’s capital now has an estimated 120 homeless tent cities and their growth shows no signs of slowing down.
- Uber Eats to deliver marijuana in Canada.
- More details on the lab-created (and much more dangerous) omicron virus. Are scientists playing Russian roulette?
- ARPA is the protégé of DARPA – aimed at game changing innovations in medicine.
- Our health care data infrastructure is broken. What difference does that make?
Thursday Links
- The case for consumer product safety regulation. I’m skeptical. It doesn’t look like OSHA has had much impact on workplace safety.
- Claim: Beijing’s Revenge for the Opium Wars is Mass Murdering Americans with Fentanyl
- Brian Miller on how to reform health care: more competition and less regulation.
- Why can’t we make dishwashers great again?
- Do we “pay twice for drugs,” as AOC claims? No.
Wednesday Links
- US is funding “gain of function” research: Scientists at Boston University have created a new and deadlier version of Omicron. But what if not all the mad scientists are on our side?
- New study finds that depressed people are not really “sadder, but wiser.” (NYT)
- US News hospital rankings are going woke.
- Featherbedding in the dialysis clinics; California unions have no shame. (WSJ)