The health sharing ministries might work for some, but I would tread very carefully before I subscribed, for these reasons:
1. I have to negotiate with the hospital over the final bill. I might fail in the negotiations; this sure is not my finest skill.
2. The ministry might not pay the hospital even after negotiations….due to pre-ex conditions, alcoholism, suicide attempt, etc. There is nothing I can do.
3. If the ministry is dishonest and just refuses to pay claims, (while holding on the deposits), I am helpless. No state insurance department will help. This has happened more than once.
The health sharing ministries might work for some, but I would tread very carefully before I subscribed, for these reasons:
1. I have to negotiate with the hospital over the final bill. I might fail in the negotiations; this sure is not my finest skill.
2. The ministry might not pay the hospital even after negotiations….due to pre-ex conditions, alcoholism, suicide attempt, etc. There is nothing I can do.
3. If the ministry is dishonest and just refuses to pay claims, (while holding on the deposits), I am helpless. No state insurance department will help. This has happened more than once.