- Ants outnumber humans by at least 2.5 million to 1.
- IRS is set to approve Biden “rule change” to fix the Obamacare “family glitch,” by spending $45 billion without congressional approval and without hearing from any of the opponents of the change.
- The Biden administration defends itself, by ignoring criticisms.
- As prosecutor, Kamala Harris and her attorneys convicted more than 1,900 people for marijuana possession.
- Are people eating too little salt?
- The biggest problem with long term care: Medicaid.
Colonoscopy May Not be as Valuable As Once Thought
I’m overdue for a colonoscopy. The US Preventive Task Force advises Americans to have one every 10 years beginning at age 45. It has long been believed that if Americans followed that advice colon cancer would largely be a thing of the past. Now a European study casts doubt on that theory. “This is a…
Reporter Discovers this “One Weird Trick” to Good Sleep (Why didn’t Doc Tell Him?)
Kaiser Health News reporter Jay Hancock wrote a personal account of his battle to get a good night’s sleep. It all began with a desire for answers: I had been feeling drowsy during the day, and my wife told me I snored. Both can mean obstructive sleep apnea. With obstructive sleep apnea, the mouth and…
Monday Links
- Medicare Advantage enrollees are more likely to get preventive care. Other comparisons with traditional Medicare were mixed.
- GOP’s approach to drug pricing.
- How reliable are blood tests for detecting cancer? (WSJ)
- The case for fasting.
- Even the Biden administration admits, “No one is serving time in federal prison solely for the crime of marijuana possession.” (WSJ)