Before a Trump executive order, employers could not provide free or subsidized insulin to their diabetic employees without sacrificing the employees’ right to have a Health Savings Account. This meant that employees had to spend their entire health insurance deductible out of pocket before any employer cost sharing took effect. The Trump administration’s change leaves employers and employees free to engage in the kind of cost-sharing arrangements that make economic and health care sense.
Is Your Doctor and Health Plan Woke Enough?
Health disparities have bewildered public health advocates for decades. It has long been known that health status and health outcomes often vary by education, ethnicity, race, gender and numerous other factors. Sidenote: when you control for education, the other variables lose much of their significance.
Save Tons of Money with DIY Health Care
We have all had physicians suggest an x-ray, blood test or other screening test during an office visit. It is important for patients to have a personal physician who they can consult for routine health matters. However, increasingly entrepreneurs are offering direct-to-consumer health screenings without visiting your doctor.
Friday Links
What is it like to continuously monitor your blood sugar? You can see the effects of a smoothie or a Cadbury Creme Egg in real time. (They are about the same.)
During Covid, the Flu was virtually nonexistent. The latest flue vaccine is only 16% effective.
Geoengineering can cool the planet, as man-produced sulfur dioxide in the sky reflects the sun. The downside: one billion people could be at greater risk of malaria.
Myanmar targets doctors: They are arrested in their homes and in hospitals; 30 have been killed.
The jury system works. Doctor acquitted of murdering 14 end-of-life patients by prescribing pain killers to hasten and comfort their death.
Time to free the nurses? In half of U.S. states, nurse practitioners cannot treat patients directly without a physician’s supervision.