What should be done about price gouging? What constitutes price gouging? There is no official definition, but we all know it when we see it. I have often said that during my lifetime medicine has turned into a gold rush. By that I mean some medical providers test the limits of how much they can charge with little regard for ethics or fairness.
Category: Affordable Care Act
Tuesday Links
- AEI study: Food stamp reform can save $31 billion a year.
- Does money cause happiness; or do happy people earn more money?
- Fifty-five percent of single Americans feel pessimistic that they will ever find a long-term partner.
- Forecast: By 2100, 54 percent of the world’s babies will be born in sub-Saharan Africa.
Can Republicans Fix the Affordable Care Act?
Congressional Republicans have long opposed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), the landmark 2010 law that created Obamacare. With a majority in both houses of Congress, President Trump and Republicans have an unprecedented opportunity to reform the ACA. The thought of changing the poorly conceived health care law is a sacrilege to Democrats.
Thursday Links
- “Our analysis found that out-of-pocket cost sharing is estimated to result in 1.1 million women delaying necessary breast cancer diagnostic testing and imaging in 2024 due to affordability issues.”
- Hospitals are ignoring the law on price transparency.
- Health Affairs article reviews a decade of Obamacare. No mention of the narrow networks, outrageous deductibles and out-of-pocket exposure for people who are unfortunate enough to get sick.
- More on Medicare site neutrality: What’s involved. What it would save.
- The Affordable Care Act has more than 1,000 mentions of the phrase “the secretary shall.”