- If Medicaid paid doctors as much as private insurers pay that would reduce more than half of differences in access to care among adults and would eliminate such disparities entirely among children.
- Thinkers tell Health Affairs how we should reform the health care system: Mark McClellan, Bill Frist, Don Berwick, etc. None advocate liberating the marketplace.
- The long reach of DEI: about a quarter of the American workforce is employed by a business classified as a “government contractor.”
- Why there is so much health care rationing in Canada: the US has almost half again as many doctors per capita.
- Larry Ellison: artificial intelligence (AI) will allow us to detect cancer and help develop a personalized vaccine in 48 hours.
Category: Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare
The Artificial Intelligence in Medical Technology Can Degrade
Professionals can lose their competency over time if not maintained appropriately. That’s why most professional associations require continuing education. Artificial Intelligence (AI) also needs continuing education and close monitoring of competency, experts report.
Medical Science is Nearing the Dawn of Precision Medicine
The goal of evidence-based medicine is to gather evidence (like the endodontist) from successful treatments and standardized therapies. Increasingly, medicine is being dragged – kicking and screaming – from an art where individual doctors have their own methods to a science where every doctor follows the same procedures.
AI Medical: Would You Consult Dr. Alexa or Dr. Siri
These so-called virtual assistants are algorithms, and function as a form of artificial intelligence (AI). In that regard, you ask questions, and they respond similarly to how an actual assistant would, except much faster. Someday algorithms like Siri and Alexa could provide high quality health advice.