California became the home to the Aedes aegypti mosquito about a decade ago. Since then, it can be found from the Mexican border all the way to the northern California border with Oregon. It’s been found in 200 cities spread across 22 California counties. Its arrival was not welcome, however.
Category: COVID-19 and Public Health
The Case for Pessimism
In 2012, there were roughly 41,000 overdose deaths in the United States. Last year, the number topped 100,000. In 2012, there were 4.7 murders for every 100,000 people. Last year, the rate hit an estimated 6.9, a 47 percent increase. A decade ago, you rarely heard of carjackings. Now, they are through the roof. Shoplifting? Ditto. The nation’s mental health was in steep decline before the pandemic, with a 60 percent increase of major depressive episodes among adolescents between 2007 and 2019. Everything we know about the effects of lockdowns and school closures suggests it’s gotten much worse.
Monday Links
Doctors file lawsuit against HHS over paying more to docs who practice “woke” medicine.
Why don’t medicines have names that are easy to pronounce and remember?
Biden Adm. wants certificate of need for charter schools.
There aren’t enough Covid boosters for everyone to have a second booster by Sept 1.
Sec. Mark Esper: Trump proposed shooting Patriot missiles into Mexico to destroy drug labs.
What if Future Voters Could Vote?
An interview with Alex Tabarrok:
Future residents don’t have the vote, so we prevent building which placates the fears of current homeowners but prevents future residents from moving in. Future patients don’t have the vote, so we regulate drug prices at the expense of future new drug innovations and so forth. This has always been true, of course, but culture can be a solution to otherwise tough-to-solve incentive problems. America’s forward looking, pro-innovation, pro-science culture meant that in the past we were more likely to protect the future.