- More Republicans than Democrats died from Covid.
- 60 years ago, Pres. Kennedy sought to “end cancer as we know it”; then VP Biden vowed to do the same; and now, as president, Biden has reignited the “Cancer Moonshot” he launched under Obama. Kim Bellard explains why we haven’t won the war.
- For putting a value on quality adjusted years of life.
- Why can’t the media tell the truth about hurricanes and climate change?
- Scott Sumner on neoliberalism.
- Scrutiny of retinal and ECG images shows that artificial intelligence can go way beyond human capabilities in health care. HT: Tyler
- David Henderson on Anthony Fauci.
Category: Consumer-Driven Health Care
Mass hysteria: 90% of Americans Believe US is Suffering a Mental Health Crisis
According to a new survey from CNN and the Kaiser Family Foundation an overwhelming majority of Americans believe the United States is suffering through a mental health crisis.
Nine out of 10 adults said they believed that there’s a mental health crisis in the US today. Asked to rate the severity of six specific mental health concerns, Americans put the opioid epidemic near the top, with more than two-thirds of people identifying it as a crisis rather than merely a problem. More than half identified mental health issues among children and teenagers as a crisis, as well as severe mental illness in adults.
The broad concern is well-founded, rooted in both personal experience and national trends.
Wednesday Links
- Study: a brisk walk is healthier that an slow walk. Brisk walkers had a 35 per cent lower risk of dying, a 25 per cent lower chance of developing heart disease or cancer and a 30 per cent lower risk of developing dementia, compared with those whose average pace was slower.
- Evidence: since we know green tea is good for you, matcha (a jade-colored powdered green tea might be even better.
- Marriage researchers can tell whether a relationship will last and be happy by observing a couple for just 15 minutes.
- Discrimination in hiring: the USA has one of the lower rates of discrimination while France and perhaps also Sweden have very high levels.
Do You Want Your Test Results Before Your Doctor?
The Cures Act signed into law in 2016 by then President Obama included many provisions. One was medical test results must be available for patients to review without delay. While doctors and patients universally think this is a desirable outcome, The New York Times found reasons to criticize it.
Its intention was to bring health care into the modern era. And the provision has successfully given patients easy access to their medical records, empowering them to play a more active role in their care by eliminating the doctor as gatekeeper.
But it has also led to experiences like mine, in which patients are confronted with material they never wanted to see. Some have learned about life-altering diagnoses and developments — from cancer to chronic illness to miscarriage — through emails and online portals, left to process the information alone.