Category: Health Reform
Doctors Hate Insurance Companies Meddling with Patient Care
A survey found that nearly 90% of doctors believe barriers erected by health insurance plans have negatively impacted patient care. The survey also found that doctors are so fed up that two-thirds would not recommend a career in medicine while nearly half (48%) are considering leaving medicine for another career. The survey was 600 physicians with practices in primary care.
Thursday Links
HHS says it doesn’t have time to review itself.
FTC to Fight Drug Rebates and Fees that Reduce Competition
On June 16, 2022 the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a policy statement on drug rebates and fees paid by drug makers. The rebates and fee are paid to Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) sometimes in return for excluding cheaper alternatives on a drug plan formulary. The way it works is a drug maker will jack up the price of a given drug (like insulin) but give a steep discount to the PBM in return for guarantees that the plan will not include generic versions that cost far lesson the formulary.