- A death row inmate wants to donate a kidney. Texas won’t let him.
- How well does Paxlovid really work?
- Casey Mulligan and Joe Grogan defend PBMs. (WSJ)
- More on surprise bills: they occur in one in five emergency room visits and up to one in six in-network hospital stays.
- The Baduy, an indigenous group in Indonesia, have rejected vaccinations. Their Covid death toll: zero. (NYT)
- More on circadian rhythms: mice live longer if they eat on the right time schedule. (DMN)
Category: Thursday Links
Thursday Links
- Shared Uber rides are back. But is anyone using them?
- Medical debt actually fell during the pandemic – across all income groups.
- Medicare Advantage plans cost $1,704 less per member, per year, relative to traditional Medicare.
- Paying employees $1,000 each to get vaccinated induces 98% compliance.
- Did Covid cause an increase in prejudice against East Asians and Hispanics?
Thursday Links
HHS says it doesn’t have time to review itself.
Thursday Links
- A Bloody Waste: Why is the Red Cross turning down healthy blood that is being thrown away?
- Uvalde follow-up: While most people think that police have a duty to attempt to protect people from harm, the law has been clear—cops have no such duty.
- Coffee keeps you awake. Can it also keep you alive?
- Drug cartels in northern Mexico are kidnapping doctors to tend to gang members wounded in battle.
- Capretta on Medicare Part B: the government’s contribution to the SMI Trust fund will be $6.0 trillion over the period 2022 to 2031, reaching the equivalent of about 30 percent of all individual and corporate income tax receipts at the end of 75 years.