Oregon has ended the legalization of hard drugs. WaPo (Essentially anything besides marijuana.)
No one wants to be a teacher anymore.
Gender dysphoria in children is temporary – even among teens.
New Labour Party scheme: NHS staff will turn up at a place of work unannounced and proceed to weigh any employees over the age of 40, check their blood pressure and measure their cholesterol. What about all the people waiting for care?
What the censors got wrong about covid.
The gender gap: “boys are behind girls throughout school, especially throughout K12 … the top 10% of students, measured by their GPA, break two-thirds female, one third male; and the bottom 10% … is the other way around.”
No one wants to be a teacher anymore:
I perused the hypotheses, and they were mostly correct. A notable exception was that 60 years ago the parents sided with their kids’ teachers’ decisions. Now they support their kids’ version of events. My mother said that back in her day if you got swats at school you dare not tell your parents lest they punish you again for acting up at school. Nowadays if you got swats at school your teacher would likely get charged with assault or child abuse and parents would insist their kids did nothing wrong.