- More young people are getting cancer.
- FDA gives up in its battle against ivermectin.
- Adultery is a crime in New York. (And you don’t get a jury trial.)
- US life expectancy is rising again. HT: Tyler.
- Future deficit spending may be worse than what the CBO is projecting.
- For the first time since the Black death, the world’s population is set to decline.
Category: Cost of Healthcare
Saturday Links
- The U.S. is no longer among the top 20 happiest countries.
- Saving lives with pig kidneys.
- Why is fetal tissue research so controversial?
- Liberating the pharmacists.
- Highest drug price ever: $4.25 million per treatment.
- Site neutrality (same fee regardless of where the procedure is performed) would save Medicare more than $3.7 billion over the next decade, and lower beneficiary co-payments by $40 a visit.
Thursday Links
- Biden Budget: more spending on the elderly: crumbs for the children. (Kids don’t vote.)
- 17,000 families in Illinois alone have lost homes to Medicaid recovery since 2021. (NYT)
- The ACCESS Act allows low-income families to redirect a portion of their (Obamacare) subsidies into a tax-advantaged health savings account (HSA).
- “The biggest deficits are showing up in the blue states that received massive [Covid] handouts … and are now facing the day of reckoning.”
- How much is a patient’s life worth in the UK?
Should Patient Assistance Programs Count Towards Your Deductible (should they even be legal?)
Demand curves are downward sloping. There I said it! It’s apparently controversial to many public health advocates and Members of Congress. All the while, supply curves slope upward. If you don’t know what I’m talking about you should not have slept through your Econ 101 class in college. You can boil this down to “people buy less when prices rise” and “incentives matter.”