Reason (magazine) investigation: CDC used Facebook to silence Covid dissent.
More than 1,000 nursing homes reached a 75% infection rate during the Covid pandemic.
For: more off label uses of existing drugs.
IRA bill is already affecting drug development – negatively.
What it will cost to attend this year’s Super Bowl game: almost $9,000.
I have nothing against Sen. Joe Manchin, but in fact our social insurance programs are not truly funded by trust funds.
Look at Medicare Part A for example. The payroll tax revenues flow into the federal government. The checks to hospitals are paid out by the Treasury like thousands of other checks every day.
In any year when the tax revenues exceedes the payouts, there were accounting credits to the trust fund. When payouts exceed revenues, there is an accounting debit to the fund.
When the accounting entries have a balance of zero, which will probably happen at some point in the next decade, alarmists will say that the trust fund is exhausted.
But the trust fund never wrote the checks and probably never will.
Incidentally, Part B of Medicare is totally dependent on general revenue. There is no accounting trust fund anywhere near it.