Study: “we estimate that workers with week-long Covid-19 absences are 7 percentage points less likely to be in the labor force one year later compared to otherwise-similar workers who do not miss a week of work for health reasons.”
Why do academics want to ignore the importance of family structure?
In 2023, US gross domestic product (GDP) hit $200,000 per household.
Why so many kids from rich families get into elite colleges.
A slew of speculations on why Medicare spending has slowed. (NYT)
According Kaiser Foundation and Health Payer Intelligence, here are the relevant facts:
1. spending per beneficiary has grown by 2.2% a year since 2010. This is indeed less than the growth of 3.3% a year for persons under 65 on private insurance.
2. but hold the applause.
Overall Medicare spending has grown from $200 billion in 2000 to $744 billion in 2022.
This is an average of 6.3% annually.
The tidal rush of new beneficiaries is of course the fiscal problem. The lower growth per-beneficiary is small potatoes.