Chris Pope: America actually has five health care systems.
An old essay that’s worth rereading: “How doctors Die.” HT: Richard Hanania.
What its liked to be a nurse in the British NHS.
Is there a religious (pre-Christian) argument for Canadian Euthanasia? (Ross Douthat in the NYT)
Chris Pope: America actually has 5 health care systems, did a poor job of explaining American [insurance]. The LARGEST is Employer-Based insurance but sick people are switched off Employer-Based insurance because of the [ELIGIBILITY requirement]. To keep Employer-Based insurance you must remain healthy enough to work 30 hours per week, the ELIGIBILITY requirement to get and KEEP Employer-Based insurance. Just legally speaking. If a woman gets OVARIAN cancer and becomes too sick to work the AMERICAN taxpayers pay to have her SWITCHED to OBAMACARE where she has a $9,100 deductible and OBAMACARE pays NOTHING if she goes out-of-network to a doctor who speaks English. Sounds crazy but it’s true. The Omaha World Harald doesn’t write about this DANGER because they do it themselves, exactly like all newspapers. All FAKE Newspapers LOVE Obamacare! Sick American women don’t need the BEST care, JUST BECAUSE THEY PAID FOR IT!
Warren Buffett is a Socialist Democrat who loves Obamacare because he sells insurance to his “Nebraska Furnature Mart” employees and pockets the cash and makes his PROFIT. If an employee gets CANCER and is too sick to work, the REQUIRED 30 hours per week, Warren Buffett IMMEDIATELY sends the sick woman a COBRA Bill for [2 months premiums] and SimultaneouslY American taxpayers will pay to switch this [cancerous babe] off Warren Buffett’s liability (Could be $1million) to the American taxpayer with Obamacare’s [Special Enrollment Period] (SEP). Are the American people STUPID or what?
Democrat Warren Buffett likes Capitalism when it comes to PROFITS but any LOSSES need to be SOCIALIZED and dumped onto the backs of the SCHMUCK taxpayers. Trust me, the Omaha World Herald, owned by Warren Buffett, loves Obamacare too.
Dr. Goodman, John, you are on the TV more than anybody and you NEVER mention that American workers, and their children, are in DANGER OF DEATH (DOD) because when they get OVARIAN CANCER and are too sick to work, the REQUIRED 30 hours per week [ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENT] the FEDERAL Law allows TAXPAYERS to PAY to SWITCH the sick to Centene, America’s LARGEST Obamacare company, who refuses to let the dying CANCEROUS woman make medical appointments that happen within 6 months. Just die, you usless eater! Centene was the BEST stock on the S and P 500 in 2018. Big Money in Obamacare!
Common man, under ERISA these schmuck workers cannot sue their Employer-Based insurance company. [In the land of lawyers these workers have no legal rights]. That’s not fair in the land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE! PLUS John, these lying company and GOVERNMENT HR people are not licensed. So, they are not bound by ETHICS. The City of Ames, Iowa and the PASCO County School District in Tampa Bay are selling their employees LIFE INSURANCE that the workers LOSE if they get OVARIAN cancer and become too sick to work! John admit it, without Full and Proper Disclosure we have a SERIOUS Ethics VIOLATION! I hope I’m not going to fast for you John.
Dr. Goodman, it’s so bad that when I made the City of Ames lawyer give me the LIFE INSURANCE CERTIFICATE, even I was AMAZED that a City of Ames employee who spends her [hard earned dollars] on LIFE INSURANCE, so her children might have SOMETHING, if she is diagnosed with OVARIAN cancer she MUST work [40 hours per week] or lose her LIFE Insurance. PLUS, city employees all over Iowa have this worthless Life Insurance. It’s a big secret so nobody says anything NEGATIVE about Employer-Based Benefits, America’s most popular way to get scammed on insurance. [40 Hour Eligibility Requirement: Slaves were treated better before the Civil War]
PASCO Schools charge $1,900 a month for a poor school teacher to add her 30-year-old husband and child to the school’s Blue Cross PPO, the State of Florida’s GIANT MONOPOLY! Then she has no legal rights. Americans are such schmucks John.