Study finds health benefits (less asthma) from EV cars. Of course, that overlooks the death and maiming of children in cobalt mines in the Congo.
Should prisoners be able to donate their organs in return for lighter sentences?
Cystic Fibrosis drug costs $311,00 a year. But it’s “stunningly effective.”
Why isn’t it easy for nurses to practice across state lines? As a college professor, I never had any difficulty moving from state to state.
Thanks for posting the article about Cycstic Fibrosis.
I have been thinking this over for about the week — thinking about the cost, not the disease itself.
At $311,000 per patient, curing ten thousand patients a year means an expenditure of $3 billion.
For the last few decades, America has been giving a blank check to drug companies for this kind of innovation. I think this is mainly due to our “soft budgets.” We allow Medicare and Medicaid spending to grow without much limit. Private insurance is allowed to grow more costly as well.
Nations which have more or less balanced budgets either contest the price of these drugs, or sometimes do not buy them at all.