Why are the mainstream media outlets so intent on convincing us there is no there, there?
Maybe it’s because the report invites us to review not just the behavior of the FBI and the intelligence community during the Trump presidency, but also the behavior of the media during all that time.
Here is a brief review of all the times Donald Trump was called a “traitor” on the editorial pages of the New York Times and elsewhere. This was not just schoolyard name calling. In column after column, writers encouraged readers to believe that Trump might actually be the agent of a foreign power.
When NYT writers weren’t calling Trump a traitor, they routinely called him other names, including “racist,” “misogynistic,” “xenophobic,” “homophobic” and occasionally even “anti-Semitic.” These charges were just as baseless as the charge of treason.
The real threat to democracy came not from Donald Trump or from an unruly mob on January 6th. It came from law enforcement and intelligence agencies intervening to change election results and undermine a duly elected presidency – along with help from the mainstream media and Big Tech.
What is amazing is how much Trump was able to accomplish in the face of this fake news onslaught – including major changes in the health care system.
Durham’s report is valuable as history, as consolidated documentation, and as an official record that may be obscured but will never disappear. Even if it doesn’t lead to dozens of indictments and convections – which it should.
Never forget Durham skewers only the FBI/DOJ. There’s more in this administration that stinks. Durham and his team suggest corruption worse than Watergate – much worse. And it continues.
Slightly off-topic, but something else not to forget. The left likes to obscure the only important result of the 2020 elections: the actual vote count by state. It’s the only important count, because Presidents are not elected by national popular vote, but by state by state popular vote.
Democrats love to tell us that in 2020 Biden won a landlside, a huge mandate, because he won the national popular vote by 7.1 million. But in just three states – California, New York, and Illinois (home to America’s 3 largest and arguably most left-leaning cities) Biden won by 8.1 million. So do the math. In the other 47 states, Trump got a million more votes than Biden. That doesn’t look like a “mandate” or a “landslide” to me.
More specifically, a small amount of cheating could have changed the outcome in just 3 very close states – Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin. Biden’s combined was fewer than 43,000 votes out of 11.7 million cast margin in those states. 4/10th of 1%. 40 cents out of a $100 bill. Close enough to steal? Of course. And maybe it was.
The ultra close vote in those three states suggests a tantalizing alternative history that never happened, but easily could have. Suppose Trump in fact won those 3 states, but for voting “irregularities”. The final Electoral vote would then have been 269-269, and the election of the President under the Twelfth Amendment would have gone to the Congress where, under the rules, Republicans held a narrow majority. Would Trump then have been elected? An unanswerable question because it’s the road not taken.
Taking the other road would have meant lengthy legal battles over the many complaints of voting irregularities in those three states. The complaints were not decided in courtrooms on their merits but brushed aside by jurisdictional and political roadblocks. That’s acceptable?
The result has been ongoing suspicion and controversy over US voting systems. Those systems beg for overhaul. We know from our own checking and credit card accounts, international banking systems transact trillions of dollars every day with high security, and accuracy to the penny. Do available technologies today allow voting systems to achieve equal security and accuracy? Of course they do. They why haven’t such systems been built? Recall the uproar over “hanging chads” in Florida after the 2000 election? Yet few states did much to tighten their systems, amuch less rebuild them. And so 20 years later the country went through an even worse debacle than in 2000. Why is this obvious problem ignored? Because both parties resist the change, each thinking it can cheat better than the other in the present system?
End of rant.