- Tomas Philipson: Why price controls on Ozempic could make overall health care costs go up.
- No, millionaires and billionaire’s do not pay lower tax rates than school teachers.
- 35% of bachelor’s degrees from liberal arts colleges result in a negative ROI.
- “In dual-income households within the top socioeconomic quintile, only 29 percent of wives earn more than their husbands, whereas in the bottom quintile, an incredible 69 percent of wives out-earn their husbands.” HT: Arnold Kling
- Ways in which FDR was anti-Black workers.
Category: Friday Links
Friday Links
- In 2023, the U.S. spent $4.8 trillion on healthcare. As much as half of that massive expenditure, $2.4 trillion, paid for activities unrelated to patient care called BARRCOME – bureaucracy, administration, rules, regulations, compliance, oversight, mandates, and enforcement.
- Medicare physician payments declined substantially from 2001 to 2024 — a whopping 29%.
- Currently, physicians are the only Medicare providers who do not receive annual, inflation-based payment updates.
- Head of the International Longshoremen’s Association explains what the strike is all about, along with a video showing how dockworkers can be replaced by automation. (it’s a long way from On the Water Front.
- Cato study: Marijuana doesn’t make you crazy.
- An Elon Musk device is allowing the blind to see.
Friday Links
- The Risky Research Review Act would put guard rails around the ability of scientists to engage in gain of function research.
- Paragon has 12 reforms to federal healthcare spending that would curb spending by $2.1 trillion over 10 years.
- Two ways to boost the supply of transplantable organs.
- AEI on the need for legalizing the market for human organs.
- An unintended consequence of EOTC: when the credit is more generous, single adult daughters work more and spend less time on caregiving for their elderly parents. I am not against including care giving as a social useful activity under the EITC. I am against giving away money with no strings attached at all.
- US brand drugs sell for about three times what people pay in other countries; but US generics are one-third less than the prices abroad.
- Patients who think they are communicating with their doctors through MyChart could unknowingly be linking to a AI program called Art. If unedited by a human, Art’s responses risk serious harm about 7% of the time. (NYT)
Friday Links
- Medicare price negotiation for new drugs may not affect drug company revenues as much as was originally thought.
- 30-year-olds: living on their own and not marrying.
- Cato study: the largest states got the most covid aid (per capita) and this boosted the re-election chances for the incumbents in Congress.
- The left’s answer to the housing crisis: override local zoning ordinances. [Of course, these are congressional liberals. Local liberal are the ones who create the zoning restrictions.]
- New study: there is no evidence supporting affirmative action in medical school admissions.
- It takes 15 years and 2.6 billion dollars to discover, develop, and bring a drug to market.