Contrary to the AMA and the CDC, there is no maternal mortality crisis. The authors found that the maternal mortality rate remained essentially flat between 1999 and 2002 (10.2 per 100,000 live births) and 2018 and 2021 (10.4). This would put the U.S. on par with other developed countries.
Biden to lower the hammer on short-terms health insurance plans any day now.
I would have thought that if the administration had the authority to limit STM plans to four months, they would have done so a long time ago. That they even want to do this shows that the idea of an individual mandate as a way to require personal responsibility is a nothing but a lie, and that it was always about forcing people to take part in an arbitrary backdoor taxation scheme.
A non-means-tested tax credit for users of Obamacare, intended to offset part of the implied premium tax on healthy people, would go a long way toward making individual mandates and bans on private insurance unnecessary.