- Ross Douthat on Effective Altruism. (recommended)
- Sen. Cassidy becomes the ranking member of the Senate HELP committee. The Democratic Chairman is Bernie Sanders.
- How easy should it be to get an abortion pill?
- Food stamps account for 20% of Coke’s revenues. This is a program that was started, you may remember, as an effort to improve nutrition among low-income families.
- Do antidepressants really work? That’s debatable. (NYT)
- AMA president on Dobbs: “I never imagined colleagues would find themselves tracking down hospital attorneys before performing urgent abortions, when minutes count … asking if a 30% chance of maternal death, or impending renal failure, meet the criteria for the state’s exemptions…”
In fact, life and death decisions are made in hospitals all the time by physicians who know full well that lawyers will be looking over their shoulders. That’s probably not a bad thing.