Thanks for posting the article by Brian Riedl on saving Social Security and Medicare. He is one of my favorite writers on taxes and spending.
He mentions that a partial solution to our debt is a 9 per cent increase in payroll taxes, and a 20% value added tax.
I do not love new taxes, but adding these two levies would put America right about where Germany and Scandinavia have been on taxes for the past 35 years. And those nations are hardly poverty-stricken.
Thanks for posting the article by Brian Riedl on saving Social Security and Medicare. He is one of my favorite writers on taxes and spending.
He mentions that a partial solution to our debt is a 9 per cent increase in payroll taxes, and a 20% value added tax.
I do not love new taxes, but adding these two levies would put America right about where Germany and Scandinavia have been on taxes for the past 35 years. And those nations are hardly poverty-stricken.