Decadal Average: Annual number of deaths from disasters
A graph you don’t tend to see in the mainstream media. Thanks to the Committee to Unleash Prosperity for the pointer.
As everyone knows the Vatican is filled with some of the world’s greatest climatologists, so when Pope Francis warns that the world is “collapsing and nearing the breaking point” because of climate change, we all need to listen up – especially when it is an Encyclical proclamation.
Read the original article on the Committee to Unleash Prosperity’s website.
Leftist spin: “Disaster deaths related to climate change higher in decade of the 2010s than the decade of the 1910s.”
Which is narrowly, factually true. Which illustrates how one can tell a naked lie using selected facts. Which is why court witnesses are not sworn to tell the truth – but to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.