- Snakebites are worse than we thought: They kill between 81,000 and 138,000 people each year, and leave another 400,000 with permanent disabilities.
- Contra PhARMA: Profit growth at the largest pharmaceutical companies—driven by price hikes on older, branded, monopoly drugs—rarely leads to the development of innovative new medicines, according to a FREOPP study.
- Heritage study: The federal government spent $279 billion of taxpayers’ money on improper payments in 2021 alone. That is more than $2,000 per U.S. household.
- Does coffee drinking increase your life expectancy? Or, do we never seem to tire of bad studies?
Category: Drug Prices & Regulations
Cato Health
- Cops practicing medicine: Government and law enforcement increasingly surveil and influence the way doctors treat pain, psychoactive substance use, and substance use disorder.
- Its time to free the birth control pill: Allow OTC sales.
- Free the nurses: They can provide excellent primary care services.
Wednesday Links
- The US has cut carbon emission more than any other country.
- Colorado wants to be the first state to import drugs from Canada.
- Waste, fraud, and abuse in federal health care programs: over $130 billion per year in improper payments.
- Biden wastes billions on Covid boosters no one wants.
- Federal vaccine mandates cover more than 10 million Medicare and Medicaid employees, 84 million workers (through OSHA), federal contractors (one-fifth of the national workforce), 3.5 million federal employees, and Head Start employees, contractors, and volunteers.
Tuesday Links
- Misuse of Covid PPP Funds: “largest fraud in US history.”
- Veronique de Rugy: data show that the PPP funds benefited mostly those industries with the largest share of employees able to work remotely (hence the least affected by the lockdown) as well as companies well capitalized (and hence not in need of a loan from the government to make payroll).
- Before publicly dismissing the Wuhan lab leak, Fauci told the FBI it was possible.
- Why do US pharmacies keep running out of drugs? Downplayed: the role of government. see Henderson and Hooper on that.